6a Critical reflection and analysis

Our next podcast looking at the ingredients of a social worker explores the Critical Reflection and Analyais domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We discuss how social workers apply reasoned discernment and maintain professional curiosity. We consider the importance of moving beyond individual reflection to critical analysis of the social context we work in.

5b Self-care

This Helpful Social Work podcast considers how we can best look after and sustain ourselves as we continue to face Covid-19. We look at individual actions we can take, and the importance of peer and organisational support.

5a Knowledge

Our next podcast looking at the ingredients of a social worker explores the knowledge domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We look at the purpose of knowledge and the range of knowledge that underpins social work. We consider the need to be critical of where knowledge comes from and how it is used.

4b Black Lives Matter

In this podcast, we are joined by guests Fareena Shaheed and Ann Shaheed to discuss the essential topic of Black Lives Matter. We have a difficult conversation about anti-racism in social work, why we are so slow to change and what we can do to be anti-racist.

4a Rights, justice and economic wellbeing

We continue our look at the ingredients of a social worker by exploring the rights, justice and economic wellbeing domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We consider the links between social and economic disadvantage, and loss of rights. And we discuss how social workers can enable people to exercise their rights.

3a Equality and diversity

We continue our look at the ingredients of a social worker by exploring the equality and diversity domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We look at principles and practice, and consider our own power. We explore how social workers can individually and collectively challenge inequality and oppression.

2b Loss and social work

Social workers constantly engage with and relate to loss. In the current pandemic, loss is widespread, diverse and deep. In this podcast we explore how social workers can understand loss and grief, how we can respond helpfully and the support we need to do this.

2a Ethics and values

We continue our look at the ingredients of a social worker by exploring the ethics and values domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We look at why this domain matters, the capabilities that social workers need, and what these capabilities look like in practice.

Series 5 Introduction

Series 5 runs from 2019-2020. Throughout this series we will look at the ingredients of a great social worker and the capabilities that social workers bring to their work. We will also record podcasts about current issues that affect social work.

10b Review of the year

The last podcast of our series is always the review of the year. However, we are in the middle of a global emergency – the Covid-19 pandemic. So we need to talk about it, as social workers. We think about principles, practice and anchors for this time. We also reflect a little about the year that has happened and talk about hopes for what lies ahead.

10a End of life

This is the final podcast of our journey through the life course. We look at end of life and bereavement. We talk about how social workers can emotionally and practically support people to prepare for end of life, to experience death, and to mourn and remember those who have gone. Our time, kindness and help can mean so much.

9b Technology

In this podcast we discuss another big issue – technology. We look at technological advances, and think about who technology is for and who has power over it. We consider how social workers can use technology ethically in their practice.

9a Older age

As we approach the end of our series on the life-course, we discuss older age. We look at how social workers combat ageism and offer specialist support to older people.

8b Populism

In this podcast we look at the big issue of populism – what it is and what makes it popular. Social work acts as a counter force to populism when it challenges power and upholds human rights. We discuss how social workers can overcome simplistic and fearful views of the world to build a more inclusive and equitable society.

8a Retirement

The next episode in our journey through the life-course is retirement. We consider the evidence around how people experience retirement and the social factors that affect this. We look at how social workers can promote good retirement for all and reduce structural barriers to equality.

7b Colonialism

In this podcast we discuss the big issue of colonialism – what it is, how it has impacted on people and its continued effects in social work. We consider how social workers can use anti-oppressive practice to understand their individual and structural relationships, and to work with people for liberation.

7a Middle age

The next episode in our journey through the life-course is middle age. We talk about important areas for social workers to consider including relationships, money and health. And we look at what underpins good practice in working with often complex situations and networks.

6b Homelessness

This podcast is about how we ensure that everyone has a home. We look at the causes and impacts of homelessness. We then explore how social workers can act personally, professionally and collectively to end homelessness.

6a Young adulthood

We continue our journey through the life-course, looking at early adulthood. We consider how expectations and experiences around different elements of adulthood impact on people, including work, relationships and parenthood. And we consider the social work response in helping people navigate this time of life.

5b Migration

In this podcast we discuss migration and the social work response to it. We consider how migration is viewed, experienced and understood. We look at how social workers can uphold rights and promote inclusion.

4b Anti-racism

In this podcast we consider the issue of racism from a social work point of view. We discuss the impact of racism, and how social workers can oppose it in practice. Social work ethics require us to respect the inherent worth and dignity of all people. We need to work collectively to challenge and overcome all forms of racism.

3b Climate justice

In this podcast we consider the implications of the climate emergency on social work practice. We look at what actions our social work ethics lead to, and how we can respond individually and collectively.

3a Social work with children

In this podcast, we continue the social work journey through the lifecourse and discuss social work with children. We consider how ideas of childhood and children’s rights have developed. We look at how social workers can respond well to children’s experiences and context.

2b Poverty

In this podcast we discuss the causes and impacts of poverty. We consider social work’s role in overcoming poverty, through direct work and social action. And we look at how we can rethink the way we talk about poverty and wealth.

2a Social work with infants

In this podcast, we continue the social work journey through the lifespan. We consider how social workers can enable infants to thrive. We discuss child development, work with families, and how we support communities to challenge inequality.

1b Identity

In this podcast we start our exploration of some of the big issues using a social work lens. We consider what identity means and how we respond to it in social work, including our own identity as social workers.

1a Social work pre-birth

Welcome to the first podcast for Series 4. In our ‘a’ podcasts this series we are looking at social work through the life-course, starting here with pre-birth. We acknowledge the difficulties of talking about this area of work, and look to how we can practise ethically and thoughtfully.

10a Closure

This is our final podcast about the social work journey. We talk about endings and how we can bring an encounter to a harmonious close. What story about social work will we leave people with?

9a Crisis social work

In this podcast we discuss how social work helps when someone is experiencing a crisis. We look at crisis intervention theory and consider the practice implications of working alongside people during these moments of change.

8b History

In this podcast, we continue to look at other disciplines and consider what social workers can learn from historians. We discuss approaches, skills and tools that can help social work. We also introduce a new Listener’s Request section where we discuss a question from you.

8a Reviews

This podcast continues our discussion of the social work journey. We look at reviews, and consider how we can undertake them purposefully and skilfully.

7b Human rights

Social work is a human rights profession. The Universal Declaration says that ‘all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.’ In this podcast we consider what it means to promote full and equal humanity in our work.

7a Safeguarding

In this podcast we continue to look at the social work journey and discuss how safeguarding fits into social work practice. We focus on the philosophy behind safeguarding – what are we trying to achieve and why – and consider how we can do this well.

6c Working conditions

In this additional podcast, we highlight recent UK research about social workers’ working conditions. The social work context needs to change – we discuss what social workers need in order to help others, and how we can act to improve things.

6b Markets

In this podcast we discuss how social care differs from other markets and what this means for social work. We explore issues around accessing and delivering quality, sustainable and ethical support for people.

6a Funding

This podcast continues our discussion of social work involvement with the tricky topic of funding. In a context of finite resources and cuts, we discuss how social workers make ethical judgements and advocate for individual and citizen rights.

5b The good life

In this podcast we discuss how social work helps people to build the good life. We look at what this means and why it matters. We consider how the UN global development goals help us to build a good life globally as part of a world-wide profession.

5a Planning

This podcast explores how good planning in social work can provide a belief in a different future and a map to get there. We look at the practicalities and potential of planning to improve lives.

3b Language

In this podcast, we discuss the importance of language in social work. We consider how social workers communicate, the meaning of language, and how it can give or take away power.

3a Assessment

As part of our exploration of the social work journey, we discuss the ethics and practice of assessment. We consider how to gather information openly and purposefully in order to understand someone’s story.

2b Counselling

Continuing our exploration of what we can learn from different disciplines, we discuss how counselling skills enhance social work. We look at how we use our humanity to relate to others and how we provide containment so people can explore dilemmas.