10b Review of the year

The last podcast of our series is always the review of the year. We look back on twelve months dominated by the Covid 19 pandemic and consider the impact this has had on social workers and our practice. We look at what has been helpful and hopeful, and how we can build on this for the year ahead.

10a Professional leadership

Our next podcast looking at the ingredients of a social worker explores the Professional leadership domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We consider how social workers can act as leaders and role models wherever they are situated, and the importance of collaborative leadership. We also consider how social workers challenge and shape social work for the future.

8a Professionalism

Our next podcast looking at the ingredients of a social worker explores the Professionalism domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We explore how social workers align personal and professional integrity, and how we maintain our motivation and commitment to social work.

7b Politics

This Helpful Social Work podcast explores the impact of politics on social work and how social workers act as political agents. We discuss how individual and collective actions can influence the political system that we work and live in.

7a Skills and interventions

Our next podcast looking at the ingredients of a social worker explores the Skills and Interventions domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We consider the ethics, evidence and theory that underpin social work approaches. And we look at how we offer interventions which uphold people’s dignity.

6a Critical reflection and analysis

Our next podcast looking at the ingredients of a social worker explores the Critical Reflection and Analyais domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We discuss how social workers apply reasoned discernment and maintain professional curiosity. We consider the importance of moving beyond individual reflection to critical analysis of the social context we work in.

5b Self-care

This Helpful Social Work podcast considers how we can best look after and sustain ourselves as we continue to face Covid-19. We look at individual actions we can take, and the importance of peer and organisational support.

5a Knowledge

Our next podcast looking at the ingredients of a social worker explores the knowledge domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We look at the purpose of knowledge and the range of knowledge that underpins social work. We consider the need to be critical of where knowledge comes from and how it is used.

4b Black Lives Matter

In this podcast, we are joined by guests Fareena Shaheed and Ann Shaheed to discuss the essential topic of Black Lives Matter. We have a difficult conversation about anti-racism in social work, why we are so slow to change and what we can do to be anti-racist.

4a Rights, justice and economic wellbeing

We continue our look at the ingredients of a social worker by exploring the rights, justice and economic wellbeing domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We consider the links between social and economic disadvantage, and loss of rights. And we discuss how social workers can enable people to exercise their rights.

3a Equality and diversity

We continue our look at the ingredients of a social worker by exploring the equality and diversity domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We look at principles and practice, and consider our own power. We explore how social workers can individually and collectively challenge inequality and oppression.

2b Loss and social work

Social workers constantly engage with and relate to loss. In the current pandemic, loss is widespread, diverse and deep. In this podcast we explore how social workers can understand loss and grief, how we can respond helpfully and the support we need to do this.

2a Ethics and values

We continue our look at the ingredients of a social worker by exploring the ethics and values domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. We look at why this domain matters, the capabilities that social workers need, and what these capabilities look like in practice.

Series 5 Introduction

Series 5 runs from 2019-2020. Throughout this series we will look at the ingredients of a great social worker and the capabilities that social workers bring to their work. We will also record podcasts about current issues that affect social work.